10 Brilliant B-roll Content Prompts

10 Brilliant B-roll Content prompts for female business owners.

Here are my favourite B-roll content prompts for female business owners, designed to engage, resonate, and spark conversation with your ideal client.

Navigating Work-Life Balance:

Experience/Opinion Share:

“Caught myself checking emails while at [my child’s] football game this weekend. It hit me how challenging it is to strike a true work-life balance. I know I’m not alone in this juggle. How do you find your balance, ladies?”
Content Suggestion: A reel showing the juxtaposition of work and personal life, perhaps flipping between a business meeting and cheering from the side-lines, ending with a reflective question to your audience.

If like me, you don’t have kids, what other personal struggles do you have that affect your work-life balance?

The Magic Behind the Scenes:

Realisation Share:

“Realised that behind every polished brand image is a mountain of unseen effort: late nights, endless edits, and second-guessing. It’s a reminder that our strength lies in our perseverance. What does your behind-the-scenes look like?”
Content Suggestion: A behind-the-scenes b-roll of the hustle that goes into creating a perfect brand image, encouraging others to share their own unfiltered realities. Take 5 second clips of you doing things around the house (you’ll probably need a tripod for this) – making a cuppa, hoovering up, sat at your computer, walking the dog. Maybe speed them up so it’s a little shorter?

Celebrating Small Wins:

Experience/Scene Share:

“Finally nailed a pitch presentation after weeks of preparation. It’s these small wins that keep us going. What small victory have you celebrated recently? Let’s cheer each other on!”
Content Suggestion: A celebratory moment of completing a task or achieving a milestone, paired with a call to action for viewers to share their own successes.

It could be a video of you with a glass of something nice – toasting to the camera. Or maybe on a sunny day it’s the shadow of your arms held up in celebration.

The Quest for Perfection:

Personal Reflection:

“Stressed over a project because it wasn’t ‘perfect’. Then I remembered, progress over perfection. It’s our imperfections that make our brands unique. How do you combat the perfectionism trap?”
Content Suggestion: A reel or photo showcasing a “work in progress” scene, emphasising the beauty of imperfection and the human touch in your brand.

So for me I might show a video of my editing process (a screen recording of me retouching an image) and how little I do because it’s more about being real.

Empathy in Leadership:

Experience/Opinion Share:
“Had a team member open up about struggling with work-life balance. It reminded me how crucial empathy is in leadership. How do you ensure your business nurtures empathy?”
Content Suggestion: A thoughtful b-roll or TikTok focusing on leadership moments, highlighting the importance of understanding and supporting your team. This time maybe a video set up while you interact with team members.

The Power of Networking:

Experience/Opinion Share:

“Attended a networking event this week and was reminded of the incredible power of female solidarity in business. It’s amazing how much we can grow through sharing and collaboration. Who’s made a difference in your journey lately?”
Content Suggestion: A reel showcasing moments from networking events or meetings with other female business owners, highlighting the importance of community and support, encouraging others to share their positive networking experiences. The actual video could be little snippets (2 seconds of footage) of women interacting. Multiple videos combined.

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome:

Personal Reflection:

“Faced a moment of imposter syndrome before a big presentation and had to remind myself of my achievements. It’s a common challenge, but we’re more capable than we often believe. How do you push past these doubts?”
Content Suggestion: A candid video or image of you preparing for a significant moment in your business, paired with text or a voiceover discussing the challenge of imposter syndrome, inviting your audience to share their coping strategies. You could do a video of yourself looking into a mirror (positioning the camera out of shot). Just remember to show the edge of the mirror so it’s obvious what you’re doing.

The Creative Process Unveiled:

Realisation Share: “Spent hours just to choose the right shade of blue for a logo. It’s the small details that sometimes take the most time but make all the difference. What part of your creative process do you find most consuming but crucial?”
Content Suggestion: A behind-the-scenes look at the detailed decision-making process, such as selecting colours, layouts, or materials, to highlight the meticulous nature of creative work and encourage viewers to share their own experiences. Use colour cards, paper and materials and arrange them on a tray.

Finding Your Why:

Experience/Scene Share: “Revisited my business plan and was struck by how my ‘why’ has evolved yet remains my guiding star. Reflecting on our core motivations can be incredibly grounding. Has your ‘why’ changed since you started?”
Content Suggestion: A mix of b-roll showing your business journey, key milestones, or reflective moments, ending with a direct question to the audience about their own motivations and evolutions.

These ideas are designed to foster a sense of community, authenticity, and shared experience among your audience, encouraging them to engage with your content and connect with your brand on a deeper level.

And if you’d like more ideas like these, check out my new eBook “The B-roll Blueprint” which is on offer until 31st March 2024 (or book a B-roll shoot and get it free).

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Hi There!

Meet Maryanne

I’m a 40 (ahem something…) year old Yorkshire woman.

I’ve been self employed for 10 years (and a photographer for 18) and I totally understand how difficult it is to be visible in business.

Whether that’s because of a lack of self confidence, feeling a bit frumpy or the physical side effects of peri-menopause (hot sweats and forgetfulness anyone) – I promise you I’ve seen it all and still get great photos at every photoshoot.

I honestly feel so honoured when people book me, because they believe that I really want the best outcome for you. There’s no point having a fancy photoshoot if it doesn’t feel authentic to you.

My aim for every shoot is to get photos and video that you actually want to share… and I’ll be there in the side lines cheering you on!