How to use Pinterest for Photoshoot inspiration!

How to use Pinterest for Photoshoot inspiration!

Today I’m sharing inspiration for personal branding photoshoots and why for every shoot, without fail I start with Pinterest.

But the thing to remember is that we’re looking for inspiration, not to copy the images.

We’re looking at poses that we like, outfits, locations and props to give us ideas.

Trying to make a photo look exactly like one on Pinterest is a terrible idea, for a lot of reasons…

  1. It was taken by someone else, with different equipment
  2. The photographer might have had very different lighting to what you have (an image taken in Los Angeles in summer time is going to have very different light to Yorkshire in summertime).
  3. The person in the photo is likely very different to you.
  4. The clothing is going to be different.

But that doesn’t mean that Pinterest can’t be useful for inspiration. Here’s how to use Pinterest for Photoshoot inspiration!

Here are a few of my boards..

Personal Branding photos general

Team branding photos

‘In the city’ style photos

Product photos

Christmas Shoot

Filter blog posts

Browse the categories


Brand Photography


Hi There!

Meet Maryanne

I’m a 40 (ahem something…) year old Yorkshire woman.

I’ve been self employed for 10 years (and a photographer for 18) and I totally understand how difficult it is to be visible in business.

Whether that’s because of a lack of self confidence, feeling a bit frumpy or the physical side effects of peri-menopause (hot sweats and forgetfulness anyone) – I promise you I’ve seen it all and still get great photos at every photoshoot.

I honestly feel so honoured when people book me, because they believe that I really want the best outcome for you. There’s no point having a fancy photoshoot if it doesn’t feel authentic to you.

My aim for every shoot is to get photos and video that you actually want to share… and I’ll be there in the side lines cheering you on!