Today we’re looking at How to look amazing in photos.
One of my friends is convinced that I only use models for my photoshoots. Honestly, every time I show her my latest photos she asks how they always look so good?

And like you, she’s probably looking at all the branding type images on Instagram or Pinterest, thinking, well, it’s ok for her, she has gorgeous hair, knows what she’s doing with make-up, she’s has amazing clothes and looks really confident.
Obviously her photos are going to be amazing.
But let me tell you a secret….
Every. single. women I talk to, has something that she worries about when it comes to being photographed.
- She’s worried that she’ll look silly in the photos and she’ll be made to pose in stupid positions
- She might have no idea how to do make-up (so it actually looks nice in the photo).
- She’s worried that everyone will see that she’s put on a little bit of weight.
- She doesn’t feel confident enough and is worried that she will have to be some sort of cringeworthy extroverted version of herself.
- She doesn’t have a clue what to wear and has been feeling a bit self conscious thinking about it.
- She might be worried what her family or friends will think when they see the photos.
- She worries that she’ll have to be someone she isn’t.
- She’s worried that she isn’t photogenic and usually hates photographs of herself (so she avoids them at all costs).
- She has no idea where to do the shoot (except it can’t take place at home… no way anyone is seeing inside her house at the moment).
And all of these thing are totally relatable. I feel them myself when faced with a camera.
But… and its a big one…. how to look amazing in photos
Most of these worries can be overcome, with a little planning and the right photographer 😘.
Maybe we get you a make-up artist so it’s one less thing to think about – I work with a few really good ones including Chrys Chapman.
There are people who can style you – like Anna Mewes a personal stylist I’ve worked with on many shoots.
We can choose a location for your shoot so that all you have to do is turn up – no need to worry about tidying up or redecorating.
We can talk about your worries before the shoot so that we do all that we can to make you feel comfortable and at ease!
All the women I take photos of start of just like you…
Time to be brave… come say hello!

And when you’re ready, here are three ways that I can help you:
1) Visit my blog for tips on VISIBILITY.
Every week I discuss strategies to improve your visibility, get over your fear of visibility and my latest shoots. Read here
2) Plan a bespoke photoshoot.
We can plan a shoot based on what you actually need (read more) or you could join me at a Branding Day.
3) Join ‘Visibility School’.
Visibility school is a membership group where you get 12 months of photoshoots, a fab little Facebook group and a Visibility Toolkit (new for 2021 members) . Read