You don’t need to stand out online by shouting louder, being more funny, writing better, learning how to sell or how to create funnels or Facebook ads.
I mean, those things are going to help, obviously. But they’re just things you so in your business to make it all work better.
You just need to do this one thing.

Its as ridiculously as simple as that!
Or difficult…I get it. The very easiest way to look at it, is that there is no one else like you, doing what you do.
Even if like me, you’re a photographer doing something that thousands of other people are doing. They’re not me.
They don’t do photography for the same reason I do. They don’t see the things I see through my lens. They don’t have a weird sense of humour that often gets me in trouble for saying the wrong thing…and they don’t sound like me.
And being you means you need to do more of this too…

Be Selective
Worry less about what other people are doing in your industry (or even just in your little group of business buddies). It’s so easy to become overwhelmed when you compare yourself to other people.
So be selective when you listen to what’s going on around you. Its good to do a bit of market research, but when it makes you feel inferior because you’re not doing as well (and who knows whether its all just a spin they’re putting on their business…) ,

Be at peace with who you are
I know, I know. This is definitely easier said than done.
But if you can embrace all your little quirks, and accept how you look. Then it will make it so much easier to share more of you.
From sharing Personal Branding photos to writing that blog post. Accepting who you are will make it all a lot easier.
Be Kind
I guess these days, this goes without saying. After so much heartache and stress over the last year, kindness is the one things that has got so many of us through it.
So write the comment as a real person. ‘Like’ the post that hasn’t many like. Cheer on the ladies around you who might just be feeling like you too!
Be helpful
Its good to share your opinions, and share your take on something. But ultimately – are you trying to help people?
I’d much rather be known as someone who likes to help people. And not just because they’re paying me. How can we go out of our way to help people?

Be Recognisable
Its good to literally be recognisable. You know like when you’re sat in a cafe and someone comes and says hello because they follow you on instagram… but its so much more than that.
You don’t have to suddenly create this big persona of someone that you think people want to see. Be known as the lady who always wears red (because red is her branding ) or that is obsessed with dogs.
Branding photos don’t have to some enormous endeavour… a trip to Paris or New York…
They’re just photos of you that you’re happy to share. And they help you be recognisable!
Be Real…be YOU.

Also, when you’re ready, here are three ways that I can help you:
1) Visit my blog for tips on VISIBILITY.
Every week I discuss strategies to improve your visibility, get over your fear of visibility and my latest shoots. Read here
2) Plan a bespoke photoshoot.
We can plan a shoot based on what you actually need (read more) or you could join me at a Branding Day.
3) Join ‘Visibility School’.
Visibility school is a membership group where you get 12 months of photoshoots, a fab little Facebook group and a Visibility Toolkit (new for 2021 members) . Read more