Personal Branding is much like fashion, in that it goes through cycles of things being “trendy” and times where we rely on tried and tested photos.
But this year especially I’ve noticed some clear trends that I think will follow us through 2021.
Comfy & cosy
Probably brought on by lockdown and the fact the majority of us favoured comfortable clothes (yoga pants, joggers and comfy jumpers), personal brands are choosing to show themselves in a much more relaxed state too and with it looking like very little changing until next spring I think these types of photos are going to be popular into next year.

The Great Outdoors
Summer is always a great time of year for outdoor photos but with the lockdown this year, I’ve seen that people are taking advantage of being outside as much as possible and thats definitely reflected in their photos.

Real Life
There has definitely been a move towards more natural looking photos in a home setting. It doesn’t necessarily have to be your own home, but just having a kitchen setting instead of being sat in an office seems to be more popular now.

More outgoing poses/expressions
I’m now regularly being asked for these types of photos, but I’ve also seen the trend online. Photos that reflect emotions and are easy to attach to specific content are very popular.

Branded t-shirts
This is probably due to the current fashion for cute t-shirts with writing on them, but I’m finding that because there is such choice in shops,

What will be new of 2021.
I’ve seen a lot of people moving away from the ‘light and airy’ type photos with a huge increase in really dark backgrounds (take a look at these on my pinterest board).
With richer colours, darker tones and black and white images becoming popular too!
Thanks for reading.