Today we’re going to look at what type of shoot might actually be best for you.
When you’re just starting out it’s easy to become overwhelmed with everything you need to do (or you think you need to do).
- Set up social media accounts
- Get a website
- Start blogging
- Start a newsletter and collect email addresses
- Actually sell your service
- Get a marketing plan

Feed that photo hungry machine…
And then you start to realise what a photo hungry machine social media actually is… so you decide you’re going to need some photos too.
But then you spot people are talking about building a personal brand and that it might be a good idea to do Personal Branding photos instead of a quick headshot.
But right now you’re not entirely sure about your personal brand, you might not even have branding – so you’re not sure whether you should invest in a shoot now, or wait until you’re a bit more sure of your brand.
Not to mention the fact that your budget might not stretch to a branding shoot just yet.
Ahh… but you need more photos for social media as everyone keeps telling you that they need to see your face!
What do you do?

Visibility School
I created VISIBILITY SCHOOL for people who are just starting out in their business and need to create an online presence and want professional photos (so they actually want to share the photos and not worry about it anymore).
Its a 12 month membership where you get 12 themed photoshoots for the year and 5 images every month to share on social media. (with option of getting more if you love a particular months photos).
You share your one hour shoot with 3 other business owners…and it works surprisingly well. You get support, so you don’t feel silly and a really good range of photos!
Theres a facebook group where you’ll join all the other members for hints and tips about photoshoots.
It’s great to meet other business owners every month too.
And the biggest bonus is that you book your shoots 12 months in advance – and it’s cheap…

Visibility School is for you if…
You’re a business owner who understands how important visibility is, but feels unsure how or where to begin
You’re a business owner who has a full day branding shoot on your wish list but can’t afford it just yet.
You’re an entrepreneur who uses lots of photos of themselves, but your other half is getting fed up of being an ‘Instagram Husband’
You’re a brand new startup (or are still in your 9-5 and working on your #sidehustle) and have little or no online profile.
Want to build a personal brand but don’t know how to start
You’re a #girlboss who needs to up her visibility game.
If you’d like to find out more, take a look at the VISIBILITY SCHOOL page and join the waiting list for when it launches in December (shoots start in January).

PS ———-> The early bird offer will be coming out by email in the next couple of weeks, so sign up for the list so you don’t miss it!