What happens if no-one can convince you that showing your lovely face on social media is a good idea.
You’re not convinced that it will make a difference to the engagement on your social feed or that anyone actually cares?
You’re probably thinking:
- Why would anyone care what I look like?
- Won’t people think I’m full of myself?
- Will people get fed up of seeing my face?
- I don’t look like those social media influencers won’t people compare me?
- Lockdown hasn’t been kind – why would anyone want to see that?
- What if it takes away from what I’m doing (as in, being a coach, selling a product etc)?
Its a proven fact
It has been shown (in statistics and studies and all that stuff…) that images of your face will perform better with social engagement than a photo of a product.
But what can you do if you really hate sharing your face.

Start small
Share a photo of your lovely face just once a month. Personally I’ve found its not nearly enough, but if it helps you ease yourself into sharing it more often, then it’s a good idea.
Worry less about the numbers
It may seem to you that every time you share a photo of yourself, everyone is groaning and saying “oh god, its not her again is it” but unless you’re getting really high interaction with your followers, most of them won’t even see it.
Its a sad fact that people only see a small amount of what you put online. So realistically speaking, even if you were to post a photo of yourself everyday, it’s unlikely everyone will see it…and certainly not enough to get fed up of you.
Its all about the stories…
Get used to seeing your face on camera
You knew I was going to say this didn’t you.
One of the biggest ways of getting over this feeling is to have more photos taken. So you’re so used to seeing your own face it no longer becomes a big issue.
Share photos where you don’t look at the camera
You don’t have to be looking at the camera. You could be doing some work, talking to someone else or even just have a photo where it’s your hands or body but not your face.
Have a laugh
When you post a photo of yourself don’t take it too seriously.
Share why you don’t like doing it. Lots of people feel exactly the way you do too and will sympathise and like you even more for it.
Even though you might be selling a product or a service, its not just about the service itself and what it can do for someone…it’s about getting people to buy into the whole reason why you do what you do…too.
It’s easy to buy from someone you feel like you know than a faceless company. Which is why it’s a good idea to also use your face for profiles rather than your logo.
And finally
We all feel a little bit daft sharing a photo of ourselves. But now more than ever, its important to stay visible and recognisable to your clients (and potential clients too).

PS ——-> And for anyone who doesn’t live in Leeds, Briggate is a particularly busy shopping area.