Join Visibility School OPEN DAY now

On the 15th October I’m doing a VISIBILITY SCHOOL open day.

Visibility school is my 12 month membership, where you join me every month for a relaxed photoshoot, with a new theme each month.

The October shoot day for my current members is in Leeds, near Brewery Wharf. The theme is Graffiti, brick-walls and an urban feel.

So I thought I’d offer a taster of what to expect (the next day) for anyone who has considered joining.

How it will work…

  1. You book a 1 hour shoot time (and you’re joined by up to 3 other business owners).
  2. You’ll receive instructions on where to meet, what to wear and whether you should bring props.
  3. After your shoot you’ll be sent a gallery of images and you get to choose 5 of your favourite (and they’ll then be professionally edited and retouched if necessary).

The price is £50 and if you later decide to join VISIBILITY SCHOOL you’ll get one month FREE.

Images from July’s Visibility School shoot in central Leeds.

PS ———–> I’ve just released a new BRANDING DAY at a gorgeous house in Leeds.

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Hi There!

Meet Maryanne

I’m a 40 (ahem something…) year old Yorkshire woman.

I’ve been self employed for 10 years (and a photographer for 18) and I totally understand how difficult it is to be visible in business.

Whether that’s because of a lack of self confidence, feeling a bit frumpy or the physical side effects of peri-menopause (hot sweats and forgetfulness anyone) – I promise you I’ve seen it all and still get great photos at every photoshoot.

I honestly feel so honoured when people book me, because they believe that I really want the best outcome for you. There’s no point having a fancy photoshoot if it doesn’t feel authentic to you.

My aim for every shoot is to get photos and video that you actually want to share… and I’ll be there in the side lines cheering you on!