Am I too podgy for a Personal Branding photoshoot? Now isn’t this just the ultimate taboo when we’re talking about photography…

Should you lose weight?
And it has to be the most common thing I hear when people are enquiring about shoots.
It usually go something like this…
- “I need to lose weight, can we do the shoot in 2/3/4 months time?”
- “I need to lose weight – will you photoshop me?”
- “I’ve put on a few pounds over lockdown and I don’t feel overly confident should I just wait?”
- “Can you make me look like a size 8?”
Body Positivity has a lot to answer for.
And NO of course I’d never suggest that anyone should lose weight. For a start who am I to suggest you’re not perfect just as you are?
What even is perfect?
I love that we’re encouraged to “love” our bodies, no matter the size or shape…Body Positivity is fantastic when we’re talking about acceptance in society as whole.
But being realistic a lot of us (me included) don’t feel our best right now and if you’re carrying a few extra pounds its going to make you think about how you’ll look in the photos.
To the point where you know that you need photos but you just keep avoiding them.
You’ll spot I’ve included a few photos from my recent photoshoot too. I’m in the same boat. I’m much heavier than I want to be and I have been putting off having photos for the last 8 months… but I know that if I want to be more VISIBLE I need to show my face more often!

Instead of postponing the shoot…do this.
No, you don’t need to wait until you’ve lost some weight. Instead of questioning whether “Am I too podgy for a Personal Branding photoshoot” I think about what I miss out on because I’m not ready? Could there be so many opportunities right now… but I’m forever waiting for that distant time that I feel ready?
You are what you wear
My biggest tip (especially as I’ve just had my own photos done) is to wear clothes that fit you well.
So we’re saying no to
- Anything thats too tight
- Anything that is uncomfortable
- Materials that emphasise lumps and bumps
- Clothing that makes you feel “big” (lumpy jumpers or cardigans that hide your shape)
Getting your clothing choices right, is going to affect how you look in the photos and how you feel.
We’ll pose you appropriately
Not all poses work for everyone.
After photographing hundreds of women, I know that what works for one person, isn’t going to work for someone else.
So we’re not going to get photos of you that make you look bigger than you are, and we’re going to make them as flattering as possible.
Hide in plain sight
Sometimes the easiest thing to do is to simply hide the bits of your body you’re not comfortable with behind something else.
And I’m not saying you should hide behind a large tree…or behind furniture – But a well placed item on your lap, or sitting/standing slightly hidden by furniture might work.
Maybe it will be a simple as wearing a well fitting jacket that will give you shape but hang in a flattering way.
Consider Hair & Make-up
Not only does it mean that you’ll photograph better, but it also gives you such a huge confidence boost.
In my recent branding shoot I had my make-up done by Chrys Chapman (who does my BRANDING DAY shoots) and it made such a difference.
The problem is….
When it comes down to it, it will still feel like a risk.
Your own mindset might need some work too. Self acceptance and a JFDI attitude will likely get you through it to some extent, but the main thing you need is a photographer who is sympathetic to what you’re going through.

PS – If you’d like to have a chat about having your own shoot (where we can sort out some of these worries…) just drop me a line at or call 07894150072.