You post on instagram every couple of days and it links through to Facebook so you’ve got that covered.
You’ve got a blog and you occasionally post something there too.
You’ve even got a profile on LinkedIn but to be quite honest it bores the pants off you and anyway, you’ve enough to do keeping track of instagram.

You try to be visible but dear god it sucks the life out of everything… you simply can’t do it all.
And I want to point out that I can’t pretend that I even attempt to do all of these things, but here are just a few that stand out to me…
- Networking
- Podcasting
- Blogging
- Blogging
- Newsletters
- Books
- ebooks
- Courses
- Retreats
- Conferences
- Whatsapp (yep there is specific WhatsApp marketing now)
And I’m not writing this to freak you out.
There’s enough shaming on social media already, but being visible is so very important and can be so time consuming without a plan.
And bear in mind, being on social media isn’t the same as being visible.
If you’re anything like me, you do actually spend a lot of time of social media. But you’re looking at what other people are doing rather than sharing more of yourself or engaging with people.
So, for a bit of fun (HONESTLY ITS JUST FOR FUN) I thought I’d create a little quiz so you can see where you are now, and what you could do with improving…
And anyway, who doesn’t want to know what type of celebrity you are (ok, so I haven’t done this type of quiz since I bought “Just Seventeen” many years ago …) and how well you’re doing with your own VISIBILITY?
So are you .. Beyonce, Jessica Alba, Reece Witherspoon, Jennifer Aniston or Oprah?

Take the quiz…

(Disclaimer…this is seriously just a bit of fun.)

PS – My next Branding Day on 16th September has only 2 places left – don’t miss out.