How to be more photogenic
People who think they aren’t photogenic tend to pose for fewer photos. Which is such a shame if you’ve got a business.
I don’t actually think that anyone is un photogenic.
I just think we’re overly harsh on ourselves.
We see people who “appear” photogenic but we don’t see the photos they didn’t want to share. We don’t see the out takes…
So here are my tips to be more photogenic…

Self acceptance
I know I know…love yourself blah blah blah ( I know we need to do this but sometimes it feels like the people who tell us we need to love ourselves more are the ones who perpetuate the “perfect” life myth).
But anyhooo….the problem is that many of us avoid photos for so long that what we think is us being unphotogenic is actually just how we look, we’re no longer that fresh faced teenager and we don’t like it.
And because we avoid photos it feels like such a huge deal sharing a photo.
If you were in more photos and shared more photos of yourself you’d be much more accepting.
Shut your mouth
Yep, try and stop talking for once and see if that helps?
I’m a talker and have a habit of pulling faces too, to exaggerate what Im saying…which means most of my photos end up with me mouth open like a slack jawed idiot or I’m about to enter a competition for gurning..
If you’re constantly caught on camera with your mouth open try some false laughing at the same time. A well timed laughter photo can work really well.

Do something
Try and get someone to take a photo of you while you’re doing something you enjoy.
You’re more likely to forget the camera and be showing some genuine emotion (and hopefully enjoyment).
Plus who on earth knows what to do with their hands in a photo? Put them on your hip and you risk looking too “posed” , hide them behind your back and you’ll look odd.
Do you think models look good straightaway when they’re posing for a photo? No, of course they don’t. They practiced. And then they take a shit load of photos.
Sounds a bit ridiculous but find a photo of yourself that you love, and work out why you like it (unless its because you were 10 years younger and 30 pounds lighter…) and maybe try and recreate it?
Wear the right colours
Did you know that the colour that you’re wearing can make such a huge difference to how photogenic you look?
If you’re wearing the wrong colour it can completely drain the life out of your face.
I had my colours done a few years ago (I’m a dark autumn) so I tend to try and stick with my colours. and it definitely makes a difference in the photos.
Put some slap on
When it comes to make-up it’s definitely each to their own. If you don’t want to wear it, I totally get that (I haven’t worn “proper” make-up once in the last 3 months ha ha)
But it does look better in the photos, often more awake, clearer skin and brighter eyed.
Find out which is your best side
We all have a best side.
We do… it stands to reason because non of us have a completely symmetrical face.
You’ll be able to see what you best side is if you look at photos that you like of yourself. I bet you favour one side over the other.
Understand the angles
Taking photos from slightly above is going to be more flattering.
Photos taken from below your chin are going to accentuate your chin and give the viewer a direct look up your nose.
Staring at the camera wide eyed (because you want your eyes to look bright and big) can often make you look a bit crazy…so try a tiny little squint. In fact right now go to a mirror. Do a big genuine smile and look at how it makes your eyes squint a little bit…if you can do that with your eyes, without having to smile…youve also got yourself a great “serious pose” too!
And as always, if you need a little more help just give me a shout. I love people who think they’re “unphotogenic” – I promise you won’t think that when you see your photos!

PS ——–> Have you heard about VISIBILITY SCHOOL? We take photos of you every single month so you’ve got a ton of content for social media…and you improve your visibility!