How to prepare for your first Branding photoshoot.
You’ve done it… You booked!!! But now you’re wondering how to prepare for your first branding photoshoot.

What are you wanting to capture?
Before we decide on anything else its important to know what you’re going to be using the photos for and whether they need to tell a story?
- Behind the scenes
- Client interactions
- You working
- An event
- A day in the life
- A new launch (podcast, book, course?)
- New products
- Home life
Where are you going to do it?
The choice of location is usually the next thing you need to get sorted. We can literally do the shoot anywhere…if we can find it, then we’ll shoot there!
- Home (yours or one we hire)
- Office Studio
- Co-working space
- Rented House, studio or hotel room
- Outdoors (Parks, city, country house).
- Cafe/Bar or pub
- Beach or river
- Hotel, spa etc
NOTE: If you’re thinking that you’d like to do it in a pretty house (cos, lets face it, who has the time or energy to redecorate, and/or tidy up their own house to do it at home?) have you seen my BRANDING DAYS?

What are you going to wear?
Its a tricky business deciding on what you’re going to wear, and Ive written lots of posts about it that might help you ( want to know the least flattering outfits????) but for this post Im just going to stick to the types of clothes you might want to try…
- Smart clothes for a meeting
- Casual clothes for relaxing at home
- Lazy clothes
- Seasonal clothes ( Summer dresses, winter coats etc)
- Activewear (running, yoga etc)
- Branded clothing
- Clothing in your brand colours

Are you going to do your own hair & make-up?
You dont have to do your make-up yourself. Ive found that some people actually feel more confident in front of the camera when they’ve had a professional make-over. And it doesn’t mean that you won’t still look like you…it will just be you, but on a really good day.
Alternatively doing it yourself is absolutely fine. Lots of my clients do their own make-up and hair. You know what you like, and you know what suits you! (I’d just suggest that even if you dont like wearing lipstick, its a good idea to wear it to the shoot…even if its just a subtle colour and a bit of gloss. It photographs really well).

What props are you going to bring along?
Whilst props are definitely not the most important part of a shoot, there are two very good reasons to bring them.
Firstly it often gives you something to do with your hands but also, it gives people an insight into who you are.
- Computer/Laptop
- Tablet/Ipad
- Mobile Phone
- Notebooks, planners & books
- Flowers
- Balloons
- Candles
- Food that suits your brand (cupcakes, fruit etc)
How are you going to prepare phyiscally?
I definitely don’t agree that you need to lose weight before a shoot. But we’ve all been there, where we want to feel good in front of the camera!
My tips are more about feeling your best!
- Get plenty of rest before the shoot.
- Drink lots of water so you’re hydrated & your skin looks good.
- Have something to eat before the shoot so your energy levels don’t dip.

How are you going to prepare mentally?
Its a good idea to think to positively about the shoot from the outset.
I want you to love the experience, and come away with photos that you can’t wait to share.
So remember, it’s going to be great for your business. Its going to feel weird at first but with the right photographer (ahem) you’re going to have a lot of fun. You’ve prepared for the shoot and you’ve got a great team who want you to do well!
You’ve got this!!

PS ———> Have you heard about VISIBILITY SCHOOL? Its a 12 month program of photoshoot…