The 5 common worries about photoshoots are all really simple and so easy to overcome.
I hear from women all the time that the thing that puts them off having a shoot isn’t how much it costs, or that they don’t have time for it…or that it seems a bit flash – it’s these 5 things:
I’m un-photogenic
I can’t tell you how many times I hear this, because I honestly hear it so often.
It’s like the first thing people do after booking their shoot is warn me that they’re un-photogenic…

But what exactly does that mean? – You’ve never had a photo in your whole life that you actually like? Really?
I don’t think there is such a thing as being photogenic (or not)… bit controversial maybe.. But…
Some people just know how to pose for photos and have had enough photos taken of them to realise what works best…
Although some of those people also happen to be about 18 years old and couldn’t look bad in a photo even if I made them wear a bin bag and my husband did their make up…
However there are definitely things that can make you not like how you look in photos and these are the 5 Common worries about photoshoots:
- Being awkward or anticipating that you’re going to hate the photo, so then when you see it you do hate it.
- Talking a lot (I do this) can mean that every photo has you gawping like an idiot or pulling a weird grimace.
- Being too intense and posing too much.
- A friend taking a snap when the lighting is bad and you’re slouched (or drunk ha ha)
- Expecting to look like you did when you 22…and then realising you look like the 42 year old you are.
You just haven’t had the right photo taken yet.
You’re not unphotogenic, you just haven’t had an actual shoot where we’re doing everything we can to get photos of you that you want to share.

I’ve put a bit of weight on
I hear from women all over, saying that they’re putting off their shoot until they’ve lost some weight.
The problem, is that like most of us, that means you’re missing out until you do it. Or if you’re like me… it doesn’t happen at all and you beat yourself up for being so lazy and still don’t do it.
Which then means, you rarely show your face online (except that one picture from several years ago that you don’t mind sharing but have to admit even you’re sick of seeing it…and feeling like you have to explain when you meet people that you’ve aged somewhat…) and you’re not known!
I’m all for embracing your body as it is right now. But realistically, I know so many people struggle with body image.
The funny thing is, you wouldn’t avoid meeting people in person because you’ve put on a few pounds, but you do online.
So my tips for this… get a good photographer… and dress well.
Have a read of this article “how to hide your podgy bits in photos“

My roots are showing/hair is bad
The good news is that if you don’t mind a little bit of photoshop wizardry I can usually fix this really easily.
No need to worry about being able to get into the hairdresser (although who else is desperate for this right now…) I’ll simply get rid of your roots…
And if you really need some help styling it, then I can recommend a good hair stylist who will come along to the shoot!
I don’t usually wear make-up
So don’t wear any… its not essential. However I tend to suggest that if you’re not wearing any, we still stick a bit of lip gloss on as it photographs really well.
But you don’t have to suddenly turn into Joan Collins in Dynasty (showing my age a bit there) with big hair and full face of make-up…
If you need help that can also be sorted. Have a read of this article about make-up from my make-up artist Chrys.
I’m going to look ridiculous posing
So…. its perfectly normal to find the idea of having a photoshoot completely terrifying.
And yes, if you’re thinking that I’m going to be getting you doing star jumps down the middle of Briggate (busy shopping area in Leeds) then it’s going to be a worry.
But I promise we don’t do anything you’re not comfortable with.
It’s unlikely that we’re even going to be doing overly posed photos. Most people prefer the relaxed authentic look, so quite often it’s the photos in between poses that I’m going for.
I’ll also make you do things, so you’re using your hands.
Whether that’s leaning on them, using them to type on a computer or alter your hair. You’re not going to be thinking about the camera at every second.
The most I’m going to ask you to do that will feel awkward at first is to smile.
But even then…. thats probably not the photo you’ll like anyway. It will be the one straight afterward when you’ve relaxed and you’re laughing at me…
So, dont worry…I’ve heard it all. Everyone worries before their shoot and afterward most women have said they’d do it all again!!