Lizzie Emery | Intuitive Brand and Design Alchemist

Today on the tour of VISIBILITY SCHOOL we’ve got Lizzie Emery who is an Intuitive Brand & Design Alchemist.

In Lizzie’s own words…

I am a spiritual business and brand coach or a business channel. I use my gifts to help my clients in business and help them find the path to their own genius. I work with their shadows and their genius. I unlock genius code within my client so they are able to see their path and understand their gift better.

I used a few tools to do this but the main one is the Magical Brand Archetypes that I created.

Lizzie Emery

You can even try Lizzie’s free quiz to find out your Magical Brand Archetype:

You can also find out more about Lizzie here:




Join me next time when we meet Prue Richmond of Cool Calm Collective.


———> PS Theres still time to join VISIBILITY SCHOOL. The next intake of “student” starts in September and enrolment is OPEN now!

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Brand Photography


Hi There!

Meet Maryanne

I’m a 40 (ahem something…) year old Yorkshire woman.

I’ve been self employed for 10 years (and a photographer for 18) and I totally understand how difficult it is to be visible in business.

Whether that’s because of a lack of self confidence, feeling a bit frumpy or the physical side effects of peri-menopause (hot sweats and forgetfulness anyone) – I promise you I’ve seen it all and still get great photos at every photoshoot.

I honestly feel so honoured when people book me, because they believe that I really want the best outcome for you. There’s no point having a fancy photoshoot if it doesn’t feel authentic to you.

My aim for every shoot is to get photos and video that you actually want to share… and I’ll be there in the side lines cheering you on!