How to improve your videos

Today I thought I’d share some useful tips to improve your video on what has been just the oddest week?

Even though we could see what was happening in China and Italy I’m not sure anyone was truly ready for social distancing and the effects it was going to have on life (and our little businesses?).

But we’re a strong lot, and the great thing is that so many of us are trying to take things online (got to love the internet!!) so creating great video is more important than ever!

So today I thought i’d share some hints and tips to help you improve:

Try and use natural light (daylight)

It will be more flattering on your lovely face and the video will be easier for the viewer to see. Plus if you do a video with poor lighting (at night in a dimly lit room) and you’re moving around; the camera will struggle to be clear and not blurry.

If you’re going “Live”

Expect that the video quality won’t be as good as if you record it and share it.

You used to be able to download video from Facebook but I believe thats now changed. So pre-recording your video means you can use it again and use it on lots of different social media platforms.

Location, Location, Location

Think about where you’re doing the video – this is still you’re business and though these times are a little strange – do you want people to see that pile of ironing?

Get the camera up to eye level or above

No-one wants to see up your nose and you won’t be keen on the video afterward when you have an exaggerated double chin.

Use a tripod if you can.

There are some really cheap versions on amazon but if not firmly wedge your iPhone or camera into something that will hold it. Or balance it against something else. Ive found the iPhone 11 fits nicely into a mug for balancing!

Where is the light?

If you’re doing an exercise video or a how-to video (actually for any video you do!) place the camera in front of a window – so the light from the window is hitting you and the video footage will be nice and clear. You want the light coming from behind the camera and towards you.

Use handy apps

Consider using an app like Videoshop to improve the quality of the video – you can add text to the video and your logo too (plus its super easy to use).

What are you wearing?

You still want to come across as professional. So even if you just wear something appropriate on your top half it will look more in keeping with your brand. Plus if, like me, you’re taking this whole social distancing thing seriously…you haven’t been out of your pyjamas for 3 days… thats not good for the look of your video.

Why is it so fuzzy?

Bear in mind that at times like this everyone is going to be using the internet at a lot. If your video looks blurry it could just be latency and buffering (basically your internet speed isn’t quick enough) so consider pre-recording the video.

Sound matters too

Consider what is going on around you? I once did a brilliant “live” how-to video in my kitchen, only to realise everyone could hear my tumble dryer more than me…

But also maybe choose a smaller room to do the video in, you want to avoid that echoey-ness of a large space if you can.

Hopefully these little tips will improve your videos and help you get back out in front of your clients… Keep being visible!

Maryanne x

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Hi There!

Meet Maryanne

I’m a 40 (ahem something…) year old Yorkshire woman.

I’ve been self employed for 10 years (and a photographer for 18) and I totally understand how difficult it is to be visible in business.

Whether that’s because of a lack of self confidence, feeling a bit frumpy or the physical side effects of peri-menopause (hot sweats and forgetfulness anyone) – I promise you I’ve seen it all and still get great photos at every photoshoot.

I honestly feel so honoured when people book me, because they believe that I really want the best outcome for you. There’s no point having a fancy photoshoot if it doesn’t feel authentic to you.

My aim for every shoot is to get photos and video that you actually want to share… and I’ll be there in the side lines cheering you on!