Ok, so “How to be visible if you’re an introvert” seems a bit daft, a bit of a contradiction really.
But if your intention is to be more visible in a crowded market place then you’re going to have to come up with ways of dealing with not wanting to be the centre of attention.
I’m very introverted. I need solitude and I don’t like to be the centre of attention.
When I’ve spent time at networking groups or when I’ve photographed large events like weddings, it exhausts me. And it would be easy to avoid this sort of thing but I know my business would suffer.
The thought of doing public speaking makes my stomach hurt.
So I’m always looking for ways to show up naturally & without feeling like I’m having to shout “look at me!!”:
Here are a few simple, introvert-friendly strategies to consider:
Find your champions
It’s easier to show up and be known for what you do if you have people championing what you do.
Whether it’s a friend who shares your facebook page, someone who comments on your instagram posts (it all helps with engagement) or you’ve got a full blown cheerleader; finding people who’ll share what you do is so much easier than feeling like you’re forcing people to look at what you’re doing.
Use your strengths
If you work well in small groups or on a 1-1 basis, then do more of that.
Hosting a podcast might work really well for you if you like the 1-1 connections. Plus you get the benefit of connecting with new people without feeling like you’re on show, and more than likely the person you interview is going to share the podcast too.
Cohost an event
I’ve actually done this.
After going to so many rubbish networking events that were just too corporate I realised that I wanted a more relaxing networking experience.
But there wasn’t a chance on earth that I was going to set one up on my own until I got talking to a business buddy who felt the same way.
So we cohost Business Brunch Club.
Its a tiny little group of business women who meet for brunch every month.
And I now actually stand up in front of everyone and do an introduction because I feel comfortable in front of the small group and know that I have a business buddy to share the load.
Cross promote with a business buddy
Find a business buddy who has the same ideal client as you and share each other’s offers.
You could do it informally and just help each other out by sharing their latest work or even set something up where you give a referral fee every time you get new work because of them.
Share more
Write blog posts, share photos & basically do things you feel comfortable doing without having to actually meet people in person.
Having a personal branding shoot might feel like a step too far but will actually help you and be an easy way you can share more of what makes you unique from the comfort of your desk.
If you’re an introvert, what ways have you found to get yourself out there?
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