How to get people to pose like a professional is probably the hardest part of my job!

Honestly posing like a professional is much trickier than using the camera or editing.
Trying to get a natural and flattering looking image when you’ve met someone for the first time is like trying to stick to one glass of prosecco when its been a long week and it’s only Wednesday (just me – eh?).
Throw in to that the fact that most of us feel awkward in front the camera and we’re our own worst critics and you’ve potentially got some very stilted photos.
And if I’m honest I don’t even like posing people.
It looks erm….well…posed. I much prefer natural looking shots.

For instance one of my favorite little tips for getting great expressions is to have you laugh while saying the vowels (a, e, i, o, and u) out loud. This not only gives you a huge variety in the look of your smiles (go ahead, try it in the mirror), but it also usually end up making you actually laugh.

And don’t forget the tortoise.
Push your face forward and your chin down a bit… good bye double chin.
So in my pursuit of some tips to pose like a professional (or not) I thought I’d ask a couple of pro’s…
Suzannah Hicks – 50+ Model
The main thing would be to stay as relaxed as possible (very hard when you’re nervous).
- It helps if the photographer is funny and also accept it takes a while to get into a shoot.
Modelling is definitely not as easy as it looks! 😀
- Looking at magazines and seeing how models pose (probably not Vogue!) is helpful and then practice in front of the mirror. It can feel quite unnatural at first.
- Looking away from the camera to the right or left is good and also just above the camera so you’re not looking directly into the lens all the time is good.
- Chin position shouldn’t be too high or low to get the best shots and also don’t expect that every shot will be a good one!
- Looking down and then up at the camera is a good one and also when the smile gets stuck and unnatural do a bit of gurning to relieve the tension in the lips!
Jeannie McGinnis 45+ Model (Speaker, Wellness Biohacker, Journalist, Coach & Voice Artist)
- Try to laugh (and even force a little laugh) a few times while you smile – it brings a twinkle in the eye and helps soften the smile.
- Chin down and forward slightly helps to narrow out the face
- When posing think of things you deeply love (kids, romantic things, fav pet) as it is reflected in your eyes,
- If possible put on mood music (sexy powerful woman) as it helps strike the mood you want and gets you out of stiff poses
- Angles are better than straight on so work with the photographer to move in more slight angles with legs and hips
- Practice smiling in the mirror one that feels natural but not too much gum or too little teeth – notice how it feels so you can do it without a mirror.
…and if anyone ever hears of a model posing course…let me know ha ha.
anyway, hope this has given you some ideas for when you next want to pose like a professional.
——> PS Have you seen that VISIBILITY SCHOOL is open for enrolment? There are only 20 spaces available for this term, so don’t miss out!