The real reasons you don’t like photos of yourself

I don’t know about you, but whenever I see myself in photos its always a bit of a shock…do I really look like that?
When did I start looking so much older…
Is that how people really see me?
So let’s have a little look at the most common reasons why you might not like photos of yourself.

Did you plan what you’re wearing?
Have you updated your style recently or are you squeezing into clothes you wore a few years ago?
I personally love a good jacket. It hides any lumps and bumps that I’m conscious of and looks great in photos… leather, denim, smart casual…they all work so well!
Do you even like what you wore in your photos? Did they make you feel good?
If not, then I’m pretty sure that it will have shown up in the photos. You don’t have to go crazy and buy a whole new wardrobe, but finding something that suits you and you feel good in, will make all the difference.
(And if you need help with this check out Anna Mewes who will get you sorted in no time).

Are you comparing yourself to old photos?
When was the last time you had some photos of yourself that you did actually like?
If it was over 10 years ago then you’re in for a bit of a shocker. Even if it was just a couple of years ago you’ll have changed a lot.
Add to that the fact that cameras these days are pretty unforgiving…high definition is brilliant when you’re watching TV, but not so much when its a photo of your face!

Were you tired or distracted?
Even at its most basic, having a rubbish nights sleep before a shoot is going to leave you looking tired.
But if you add to that being stressed or worrying about how you look (or thinking about how much time is left) then it will show in the photos.
If you know you’re not comfortable having photos taken you might just need more time with your photographer.

Are you expecting too much?
Gone are the days when you could throw any old clothes on, add a dash of lipstick and leave the house, photoshoot ready at the drop of a hat.
Most of us have more wrinkles than we can count, skin that doesn’t really look like we want and something going on around our middles that means we’ve started wearing longer tops…
So if you’re expecting that you’re going to look the same as you have in the past – having photos taken is not going to be such an enjoyable experience.
Are there any physical things you need to remember?
Menopause, periods, bloating, or even just weight gain can all mean you look different.
As we get older our bodies obviously change quite a bit, and even in quite a short space of time… in fact I seem to have developed a pelican neck since I hit 40.

Was the photo you had in your head even achievable?
Imagine wanting a photo of yourself enjoying a latte in a beautiful skandi-look coffee shop. Dressed in trendy clothing while hand feeding a little pug in your oversized shopping bag. But then choosing a dismal grease stained café. With you sat in your yoga pants, hair scrapped off your face and an Aldi shopping bag at your feet???
The location of your shoot can make or break a photo. And is another of the The real reasons you don’t like photos of yourself.
Have you changed your hair recently?
A couple of months ago I decided I needed to follow the trend and get my self a stylish long bob…wow what a mistake.
Not only did I ignore the fact that if my hair is cut shorter it has less weight so becomes really bushy…I also went to a new hairdresser.
Resulting in me having a Lego head haircut and not wanting to show my face in any photos…certainly not this side of Christmas! Plus it makes me look older. Partly because I can’t seem to do anything with it, but also because of how it makes me feel!
So…be honest. Does your hair suit you? Could it do with a bit of curl or maybe even a bit of a trim or style update?

My advise…
Figure out what photos of yourself you do like and then work from there AND you’ll discover The real reasons you don’t like photos of yourself.
What is it about those photos that you like?
But be realistic too.
If you like it because you were lighter and younger, then no photographer is going to be able to do much about that.
Remember that what you wear is important and hair and makeup too. Plus the location matters so much.
It almost goes without saying that learning to love ourselves just as we are would be a huge help…
AND if you work out how to do that… let me know!

And when you’re ready, here are three ways that I can help you:
1) Visit my blog for tips on VISIBILITY.
Every week I discuss strategies to improve your visibility, get over your fear of visibility and my latest shoots. Read here
2) Plan a bespoke photoshoot.
We can plan a shoot based on what you actually need (read more) or you could join me at a Branding Day.
3) Join ‘Visibility School’.
Visibility school is a membership group where you get 12 months of photoshoots, a fab little Facebook group and lots of bonus content too . Read