A healthy body image is so vital to how you feel and ultimately how you accept how you look in your photos.

I could be the best photographer in the world and take the most amazing photo of you, but if you think you look like crap, it doesn’t matter how well exposed, or well taken the photo is.

Dont avoid your body
Avoiding how you look, never looking in the mirror or ever being photographed doesnt help.
So, in order to break this cycle, stop the avoidance! Face up to your body and get to know it, lumps, bumps and all. Get used to being with your body. If you usually avoid mirrors, start approaching them.
Look at yourself as a whole person – don’t just focus on the bits you don’t like. The more you accept your body the way that it is, the more you are likely to develop better body image.

Stop comparing yourself
Everyone is very different, duh… and comparing only makes you feel worse.
Try to notice when you compare yourself to others and make a note of when you compare, who you compare yourself to, and what you say to you.
What is it about them that makes you feel like that? Is it justified or just one of those daft things we tell ourselves that isn’t true.
Just because someone else is clever/beautiful/wealthy doesn’t take away from how brilliant you are!
Comparison is the thief of joy

Separate truth from lies
We all tell ourselves lies. The difficulty is separating the truth from the lie.
Ok, so you’re carrying a little winter weight, you might have over indulged at the weekend but that doesn’t make you a failure.
The lies we tell ourselves often hold us back. I’m not pretty enough for photos, so then you don’t bother with professional photos.

Practice practice practice
Self compassion, being kind to yourself and positivity.
If you make an effort to look after yourself (and not just the stuff like having a bubble bath or a facial) both physically and mentally, you have to keep up to it.
It’s something you do every day, not just once a week when you remember.
Give yourself a break when things haven’t gone right. Practice stopping the negative chatter in your head and replacing it with positivity. Think about all the wonderful things you’ve done already to get where you are.

Take more photos
You didn’t think I’d let you get away from a little mention of photography did you?
Actually being in more photos and looking at them is a great way to get used to and ultimately accept yourself just as you are.
And I don’t mean so you can berate youreself for that extra cookie or you can pick at all your flaws. This is your face, your body. You’ve only got one. Just remember the amazing things it does for you and that so many people, family & friends, love you just the way you are.

Be a critical viewer of social media
It’s not all real.
People only show you want they want you to see. And obviously you can unfollow anyone who makes you want to compare yourself or you can take it with a pinch of salt.
Know that social media is highly curated, there is a lot of photo editing going on and it’s not all it seems. People are trying to sell things and some are trying to push their idea of what a perfect life is…
But there are some wonderful real people out there to follow too (like me 😂 @brandingphotographeruk on insta!). Go follow some real people!

And when you’re ready, here are three ways that I can help you:
1) Visit my blog for tips on VISIBILITY.
Every week I discuss strategies to improve your visibility, get over your fear of visibility and my latest shoots. Read here
2) Plan a bespoke photoshoot.
We can plan a shoot based on what you actually need (read more) or you could join me at a Branding Day.
3) Join ‘Visibility School’.
Visibility school is a membership group where you get 12 months of photoshoots, a fab little Facebook group and lots of bonus content too (new for 2024 members) . Read