How to boost your confidence before your branding shoot

I’m often asked how to boost your confidence before your branding shoot.
It’s difficult it is to look good in photos if you don’t feel radiant or if you feel unloved, so here are some really simple things you can do before the shoot to feel your best.

Take care of your body.
Get lots of sleep, drink plenty of water, eat fresh foods, and exercise. At least do this for one week before the shoot.
Do something extra special the day before
Maybe treat yourself to a shopping trip or a nice meal. Having a good experience the day before not only gives you something to talk about but also means you’re happy and relaxed.
Create a feel-good playlist.
Think back to your earliest memories of songs that make you feel warm and fuzzy. If your shoot is outdoors, be sure to play your playlist on the way to the shoot so the songs are running through your mind.

Collect compliments
For two weeks leading up to your shoot take note of what you’re complimented on (even write it down if it helps). And then focus on these things in the lead up to the shoot.
Share your hopes and fears
Let your photographer know you are trusting them, in spite of your insecurities, and ask them to guide you through. Be open to suggestion & to try the photographer’s suggestions, even if they don’t feel totally normal. If there’s something that bothers you physically, be open about it.

Remember to focus on how you feel and not just how you look.
The camera is a magical device that records feelings as well as photos. If you feel good, you look good. So having a good relationship with your photographer can really help too!
Get your hair and make up done before the shoot.
It’s not a necessity but it really does boost your confidence if you know that your face and hair look pretty good. Plus it’s very relaxing and a bit of novelty too.
Have a styling session with a personal style consultant.
They’ll make sure that you choose clothing thats flattering and makes you look and feel amazing. And what to wear for a shoot is the most common question I’m asked.
The main idea of the shoot is to capture the “real” you, so if you’re feeling good about yourself and how you look then that will come across in the photos.
If you’re still undecided about having a shoot, read through the comments about my shoots over on my personal branding testimonial page. or call me on 07894150072 for a chat!

And when you’re ready, here are three ways that I can help you:
1) Visit my blog for tips on VISIBILITY.
Every week I discuss strategies to improve your visibility, get over your fear of visibility and my latest shoots. Read here
2) Plan a bespoke photoshoot.
We can plan a shoot based on what you actually need (read more) or you could join me at a Branding Day.
3) Join ‘Visibility School’.
Visibility school is a membership group where you get 12 months of photoshoots, a fab little Facebook group and lots of bonus content too (new for 2023 members) . Read