What is Personal Branding Photography?

Personal Branding Photography has become a bit of a buzz phrase in photography circles. With a lot of photographers saying it’s a fad or just the latest trend.
And I can see their point.

Every other photographer you see, now offers personal branding shoots and to some degree we’re all offering the same sort of thing. Headshots and business lifestyle type images.
In fact I’ve been doing this sort of photography for the last few years, but calling is commercial photography.
So in some respects I suppose I’m jumping on the band wagon. But there is a reason for that. I think personal branding is becoming so important for entrepreneurs (and anyone who has an online presence).
I think customers and clients trust real people over faceless businesses. Your personal brand creates a lasting impression and I’m the first to admit it’s definitely more than just a pretty photo. It’s how you interact with customers, how you come across on social media and obviously your logo and all the other design elements that make up a brand.
But if your face is going to be plastered across the internet, and I don’t know about you, but I want the best possible photograph.

Where I’m trying to differentiate myself from others is by focusing on a certain style of photo and by making it more of an empowering experience for women in business.
I’ve always loved the style of images you see in celebrity interviews in newspapers or glossy magazines. So that’s what I aim for and for an experience real business women can enjoy; where they receive beautiful images that they’re more than happy to share online.
So we focus not only on getting great headshot images, but also on showing you in a more relatable way.
Gone are the days when you were expected to have a headshot with a white background. You can bring a bit more personality into your photos.
“How you look + how you speak + how you act = your personal brand”
If if you’d like further information about Personal Branding Photography contact me or email maryanne@maryannescott.co.uk

And when you’re ready, here are three ways that I can help you:
1) Visit my blog for tips on VISIBILITY.
Every week I discuss strategies to improve your visibility, get over your fear of visibility and my latest shoots. Read here
2) Plan a bespoke photoshoot.
We can plan a shoot based on what you actually need (read more) or you could join me at a Branding Day.
3) Join ‘Visibility School’.
Visibility school is a membership group where you get 12 months of photoshoots, a fab little Facebook group and lots of bonus content too (new for 2023 members) . Read