Tricks for getting natural selfies.

When I’m shooting portraits ( business or family ones) I’ve found there are a few tricks for getting natural selfies and natural looking poses, and they’ll help you too if you need photos of yourself.
Having a remote shutter release or using the phone camera timer is going to make this all so much easier. You’ll be able to forget about the camera and try a few of these tips.

Everyone wants to look their best, but often when you stick a camera in their face they freeze. Or do that scary smile, that’s all teeth and doesn’t quite reach their eyes.
So here are my tips for getting natural selfies.
Do something…anything. I always get people to physically move. Maybe it’s just walking towards me. You could look into the distance, fake laugh until you feel stupid. Pull faces, shake your ass. Kids always love Simon says…but it’s getting adults to do it too that can really lighten a shoot.
The trick to getting serious photos (without looking angry)is to smile with your eyes. This sounds weird but try it. Smile and feel how it affects your eyes. They crinkle up, squish together a bit and you have a bit of a twinkle. Now try doing that without your mouth actually smiling…what you’ll get is a hint of a smile but with warmth in your eyes. You’ll look serious but approachable.

Joey Tribiani
Do the joey trick. (Not the chandler smile…) look away, look away, look away until it’s time to take the photo and then smile.
Express yourself
Pull different facial expressions – try anything. Cross, angry, happy, sad….you get the idea. You’ll relax and we’ll get a natural laugh if nothing else.
Use a prop. Pick up a phone, grab your pet, child or a nice cuppa. Take your mind of the camera.
Hide behind something – sit at a table, so you’ve something to lean on. Turn a chair round and sit on it backwards. Sit behind your laptop ( which is also great if you’re trying to hide a tummy he he).
The tortoise
Pull back one shoulder, push out your chest, lift your chin up slightly and then press your chin forwards (without dropping it to your chest unless you want a double chin). It’ll elongate your neck… honestly you’ll feel like a tortoise but you’ll look great..

And finally don’t take it too seriously.
The best photos are always the ones that aren’t planned. It’s the one that catches you off guard where you’re not self conscious that are always my favourite.
Hope that helps – and if you take a selfie with these tips tag me on Instagram!

And when you’re ready, here are three ways that I can help you:
1) Visit my blog for tips on VISIBILITY.
Every week I discuss strategies to improve your visibility, get over your fear of visibility and my latest shoots. Read here
2) Plan a bespoke photoshoot.
We can plan a shoot based on what you actually need (read more) or you could join me at a Branding Day.
3) Join ‘Visibility School’.
Visibility school is a membership group where you get 12 months of photoshoots, a fab little Facebook group and a Visibility Toolkit (new for 2023 members) . Read